
Dr. Ady Kahana Presents Groundbreaking Study on Labral Reconstruction at International Society for Hip Arthroscopy: Optimal 60° Acetabular Rim Angle Maximizes Suction Seal for the American Hip Institute

The Fellowship alumni of the American Hip Institute had a fantastic gathering during the ISHA Hip Preservation Society annual meeting in Washington, DC, with honorary guest Dr. John Christoforetti, incoming president of ISHA. It was truly inspiring to witness this incredible community of AHI graduates, all dedicated to making a difference - one hip at a time!

Dr. Thomas Byrd graced the American Hip Institute &
Orthopedic Specialists as Guest of Honor at our fellowship alumni reunion at
the AAOS in New Orleans. Brilliant colleagues, and great friends.

Dr. Benjamin G. Domb lecturing to the international
orthopedic community at the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS)
annual conference in New Orleans, LA, USA

Dr. Ajay C. Lall lecturing to the international orthopedic
community at the International Society for Hip Arthroscopy (ISHA) – The Hip
Preservation Society – annual meeting in Madrid, Spain

Drs. Benjamin Domb and Ajay Lall in the cadaver lab working
to innovate novel therapeutic techniques in hip arthroscopy

AHIRF fellowship alumni leading faculty at Arthroscopy
Association of North America (AANA) hip preservation course at the
Orthopedic Learning Center (OLC) in Chicago, IL